No, trails don’t talk. That would be silly. It’s like me talking to you right now. But, here’s the one-sided transcript.

. . .

“Yes! It’s good to be back!”

. . .

“The leg is much better. Yes, baby Clara is here and healthy and I miss her already. I didn’t have much time with her before I returned.”

. . .

“No, I wasn’t quite finished when I had to get off because of the leg. I’m not sure how far I’ll go, but I’ll know when I’m done.”

. . .

“Hahaha…yes, my attitude toward you has changed. I realize that in Virginia I was in a foul mood and it really had nothing to do with you. You are what you are; nothing more, nothing less. I accept that now.”

. . .

“Hhmmm. Not sure if I’ll have found myself. I came out here more to lose myself. Or lose that part of me that has been conditioned by society over the years. It’s hard not to judge the world through the lens of our thoughts and expectations.”

. . .

“Yes, I realize that’s what I was doing to you and what made me miserable in that stretch in Virginia.”

. . .

“Yes, you are correct. Most people don’t listen to nature anymore. They’re too busy going about.”

. . .

“Peace? Inner peace? Maybe, I guess. Or at least to not be at war with myself anymore. I suppose the idea is I can break myself against these mountains, strange as that sounds.”

. . .

“World peace? Nice idea, but no. I don’t believe it’s possible. Not until one of us — just a single one of us — reconciles, forgives, and releases our own personal violence.”

. . .

“Me? I’m afraid I’m not that person. Yet. That’s part of the journey. I trust that I might, could, be one day. Maybe, that’s what we find the moment we die or cross over. We find the power to release ourselves.”

. . .

“The universe on the head of a pin? Yes, that is one way to describe the infinite infinitesimalality (is that even a word?) of it all”

. . .

“Yeah, it is getting a little deep in here. So, how ’bout those bugs? They gonna be any better this time?”

. . .

“Yeah, that’s what I figured.”

. . .

“Yes. They are like the weather.”


“Damn IT!! Seriously?!? A frigging root in the middle of the trail? Jesus, Mary, and Joseph that toe is taking a beating. I really got to clip that toenail. I gotta get back to concentrating on hiking. Jeez…lose focus for 5 seconds and… Sonuvabitch!!! Are you kidding me with this shit?!?? A GD rock this time? And the same toe?!? God that toe hurts right now . . . Head down and hike Wesly. Head down and hike . . .”

Published On: 2019 September 3

One Comment

  1. AffiliateLabz 2020 February 15 at 14:53 - Reply

    Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! :)

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